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How Do You Read A Book?
Bet It is Not the Same Way I Do.
I suspect most people are linear readers, starting from page one and continuing to the final sentence. At least the folks whose reading habits I know are this type. My approach differs but achieves the same result.
To start, I flip to the author’s brief bio, and scrutinize the accompanying photo. My curiosity about the author’s profession, family, pets, and location satisfied, I turn to the list of other publications, if any. This page, at the beginning of book, is reread at the conclusion of the story if I am smitten by the author.
And then the dedication. The author is bestowing honor on some individual or individuals and I want to know why. Sometimes the story itself, or the acknowledgments will identify or provide clarification.
Now on to chapter one. If this chapter is very short, then I read chapter two before plunging right to the book’s final chapter. Yes, the final chapter before reading the entire book. Every single book, fiction, and non-fiction.
Does this method spoil the story for me? Not at all. I read the remaining chapters with the anticipation that the author will captivate me; engross me to the extent that knowing the ending does not matter. How the author transports me to the ending I already know is what matters to me…